
It's really easy.




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On this grapefruit diet i haven't been eating starch nor sugar for 10 days now. really going crazy. i'm REALLY craving for desserts.

在此葡萄柚飲食沒有澱粉10天了。真的瘋了。我真的很渴望甜品<-- Google translate 谷歌翻譯 hahahaha


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grapefruit diet.JPG  

The above chart is recorded from 27/7 to 8/7 (today); morning, afternoon, evening and before bed 4 times everyday. it's still morning now so there's only 1 figure for today.

you can see the first few days the weight wasn't really changing. the first week it's basically still around 55kg. there were downs for about 0.5kg or even 1kg but then it goes back up to 55kg. but the second week (this week), the body weight has been stably decreasing.

As at today, i lost 2.2kg in 10 days, equivalent to 4.84 lbs.

the long pants that i couldn't fit before, are now loose. it's pretty good.


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After all the researching, including how it works, now I wanna share it with you at the 3rd day of my Grapefruit Diet. there are many different weight loss diets. even if you search "grapefruit diet", you'll still see different sayings that are basically conflicting. so the aim of this article, is to know more about this grapefruit diet in a bio chemical way. when you actually know how it works, you can judge the rumors yourself.

搜集過有關資料, 包括佢運作原理, 可食及不可食等, 現在西柚減肥法第3日, 想同大家分享下心得, 同埋減肥中都可以食既野, 至於可食的甜品, 還在極力研究中.

坊間一直流傳好多不同的減肥法, 單係西柚減肥法, 也有好多相矛盾的細節, 所以, 呢篇文章主要目的, 就是透過深入了解其化學原理, 自己判斷哪些是謬誤, 哪些是對的.



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Two pictures above are both the same salmon. one with sauce and cheese on top and one without. it's up to you how you wanna eat it. the one without sauce is also crispy on the skin so it's good too.

It's diet friendly on this grapefruit diet. if you don't add the salad dressing, it's just a panfried fish with vegetables anyway. so it's relatively healthy.

上圖兩個都是同一個三文魚來的, 一個有汁一個無汁, 你喜歡點食都可. 無汁的那個魚皮也是煎脆了的, 所以也是很好食!


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One of the good items in the house - Garlic crusher .

今期買物 - 除了雀仔之外, 煮廚好幫手之一, 切蒜蓉器 .



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I'm assuming everyone's busy during the week. so i try to share simple dishes on weekdays. this Korean bbq beef dish is really easy. basically you just need to get a jar of bbq beef marinade, some meat. and cook them.

通常weekday個個要返工, 都唔得閒煮太繁複的送架喇. 所以, 今次就整一個超容易的, 基本上, 就係買一支醃醬, 直接放肉去煮就可以了, 可以話不能夠再簡單!

 Ingredients and methods



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Food garnishing isn't necessarily complicated. this mango pudding is garnished by using fresh sliced peaches cut with shaped cookie cutters .

this is actually a really easy one. but the pictures taken before aren't really that good. and so i need to spend extra time to re-take, which actually means i have to re-eat .

其實食物美化裝飾唔一定要好複雜的, 簡簡單單用一些曲奇模印一的圖形水果出來就可以喇, 也是好靚的.

其實呢個一的都唔難, 只是先前拍的相拍得唔好, 所以要花時間 "補拍", 亦都即係要 "補食" 啦 .


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Haven’t been posting for almost a week other than the one for the 1989 Tiananmen Square. I apologize to anyone that has been waiting. And here now we are for the food. This time, lemongrass pork chop.

This is a pretty easy dish, just have to get lemongrass. I’ve tried some jar ones soaked in liquid, but that doesn’t really taste much like the real one we used this time.

好耐無見, 除了上星期六四紀念日出了幅圖寫了幾隻字之外, 差不多有一星期無見. 不好意思要大家久等, 怪就怪那些坦克啦. 今集是香茅豬扒. 其實好容易整的, 醃肉, 然後拿去煮就係喇. 最重要是買到新鮮香茅. 試過一些樽裝的香茅, 香味跟新鮮的比差遠.

 Ingredients are simple too :


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It'll never be forgotten or forgiven.


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