we make microwave recipe or easy recipe because we want to make it easy. don't worry about translating the chinese below. it's too clumsy.

微波爐食譜的重點係快而易, 所需材料器具隨手可得. 好多人食完飯想食甜品果陣, 冰箱來來去去都係得果幾款, 唔係雪糕就雪條, 要焗既野就動輒整成個鐘, 整得黎, 都夠鐘起身返工啦. 今次呢個微波爐杯裝朱古力蛋糕食譜, 只需5分鐘就有新鮮出爐甜品食, 殺傷力比拿你命3000有過之而無不及, 請大家彈遠的, 遠的, 再遠的.


Flour 4 tbsp
sugar 4 tbsp
cocoa powder 2 tbsp
butter 2 tbsp
water 2 tbsp
a dash of salt


麵粉       4湯匙
砂糖       4湯匙
純可可粉 2湯匙
牛油       2湯匙
水          2湯匙
鹽          少許


mix them together. stick it into the microwave for 2 minutes. adjust the time for different hardness. +time for stiffer and -time for softer.


溝埋一齊放入微波爐叮2分鐘, 中意軟的叮少的, 中意實的叮耐的, 唔好太耐, 硬左掘唔出.

then add a freaking ice cream on it.

叮完再放個凍冰冰雪糕上去 ~

whatever flavor you want .

我個人喜歡朱古力+雲呢拿雪糕, 咩味都無所謂最緊要自己中意, 你中意放咖喱味雪糕都得架, 怪之嘛.


Reference: http://www.instructables.com/id/Mug-Brownie/


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