
Previously on Authentic Hong Kong Pineapple Bun, we made the normal size ones. This time we make the mini. fermentation time is exactly the same as the big ones. the only difference is the cooking time.

承接上回 正宗香港菠蘿包 劇情, 無咩大分別, 只係分量同埋焗既時間有少少唔同而己, 發酵時間完全無變.

可以放係蛋糕仔焗盤裡面發酵, 方便保持形狀之餘, 仲可以睇住佢大 .

以下份量是正版的1/2, 可造12個迷你菠蘿包, 上集食譜份量可整24個, 迷你版體積及重量約是正版的1/3.. 明條數點計無呀?

You can put it in a mini muffin tray. It's easier to maintain the shape. It's also fun to keep track of its growth .

The following quantity is 1/2 of the original's, which makes 12 minis, if you use the original quantity you can make 24, thus, the size of the mini is 1/3 of the original's. anyone doesn't get the math can raise your hand.

 Now here we go.

Ingredients 材料:

The bread body 包身:
High glutin flour/bread flour 高筋麵粉 100g
Sugar 糖 20g
Milk powder 奶粉 3g
Custard powder 吉士粉 3g (optional)
Yeast 酵母 1.5g
Water 水 50g (50ml)
Egg 蛋 15g (1/4 egg 約 1/4 隻)
Butter 牛油 10g
Salt 鹽 0.5g

The topping crust 菠蘿皮:
Sugar 糖 23g
Soda powder 梳打粉 1g
Low gluten Flour or plain flour 中筋麵粉(一般麵粉)或低筋粉 50g
Milk powder 奶粉 1tsps
Unsalted butter 無鹽牛油 28g
Egg 蛋 2g (0.5tsp)

Procedures 步驟:

1.      Mix together the ingredients except butter and knead the dough.
將包身材料混合, 牛油除外.

2.      When the dough is formed, add the butter to the dough and knead keep kneading until the dough is elastic enough to stretch out a sheet.
麵團搓好之後, 先至加牛油, 再搓. 直至麵團起筋有彈性, 彈到可以拉出薄膜再拉下拉下.

3.      Sit the dough still and ferment it to 2x or 3x the size (apprx. 45-60 mins). In slightly warm environment, under desk light or in a warm oven (make sure it's not hot, don't cook it).
由佢發酵第一次. 係微暖的環境下進行更好, 可以係枱燈下或者微暖焗爐裡面, 記住唔可以太熱, 佢唔焗得住.

4.      While you’re waiting during the first fermentation, make the topping crust. Mix the crust ingredients together by hand. Don’t use electrical mixer as it’ll make it too fluffy or elastic.
等佢發酵時可以整個菠蘿皮. 材料用手搓, 用電鑽驚會起筋.

5.      After it’s mixed refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

6.      Beat the air out and divide it into 8 little dough.
麵團發酵後, 搓出裡面氣泡, 分成8小個.

7.      Start the second fermentation for about 45-60 mins or until the size is doubled.

8.      When the second fermentation’s almost done, take the topping crust mixture out from the fridge and divide it into 8 round sheets to cover the top of the dough.
發好麵團可以將雪櫃的菠蘿皮團取出, 分成8個皮.

9.      Put the topping crust on, slice diamond patterns if you want (the pineapple pattern), brush egg yolk on surface. Put in preheated oven at 160 degrees for 12 mins.
放上包身, 你喜歡可以界格仔(菠蘿紋), 掃蛋液, 放入160度焗爐, 焗15分鐘.

 可以用麵包機做搓麵團的工序, 慳力之餘效果會更加統一. 我地今次用左 Tefal Home Bread Breadmaker OW3001.
You're recommended to use a bread machine. We used Tefal Home Bread Breadmaker OW3001.



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