The "hat" means the fried egg on top.  when you order it in the restaurant, you can say "xxx rice with hat" instead of with egg. of course not all of them. preferably restaurants in Hong Kong, if you try it in other places other than Hong Kong I'm not sure but they might actually give you a real hat, especially tropical countries. No offence but i really see a lot of them wearing straw hats..

This minced pork dish is certainly a good and easy and good value meal. ideal food to cook when you just want to sit back and relax and not doing the cooking work all day. Great for a Wednesday (yeah that's why this is posted today let's make it easy).

"帽" 其實係指頂頭的煎蛋. 下次去餐廳點飯時可以點"乜乜物物飯加頂帽". 但最好係香港的餐廳度試, 其他國家的餐廳我唔肯定佢地明唔明你講咩, 有可能會真係俾頂帽你, 尤其係熱帶國家的餐廳, 唔知點解我成日見佢地戴草帽..

言歸正傳, 呢個飯真係好易煮, 最岩一個繁忙的工作日放工後"hea煮". 之所以呢個飯在星期三出版囉!


Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Tiramisu - literally means "pick me up". how "romantic", a dessert has something to do with picking up chicks/guys. yeah it's from one of the romantic nations Italy.

Tiramisu is an Italian dessert with a specific soft sweet cheese "Mascarpone". it's layered with coffee & alcohol mixture dipped biscuits and mascarpone & cream mixture. it shouldn't be too hard if you have the right tools and a good teacher, which is this blog.

Tiramisu 係一個好出名的芝士糕甜品. 主要材料是 Mascarpone 這種芝士. 這種芝士是其實一種甜的芝士, 與 車打芝士, 薄餅芝士等鹹芝士不同, 主要就是要來造甜品. 也有人放進薄餅或意粉來增加幼滑感的. 這個芝士蛋糕, 另一個材料就是浸了咖啡和酒的餅乾. 成品就是芝士及餅乾, 夾層出來的.

它的原意大利文, 意思其實是類似 "來溝我吧" 咁樣的. 食甜品可以食到咁... 真係意大利人先做得出.


Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

one good thing about making your own pizza, you can add whatever you like on it, not limited only to the menu . jack daniels, bacon strips, bacon strips, bacon strips!

there're many different ways to make pizza. and sure there are some authentic ones. but most of our readers aren't italians. here we're gonna introduce "making it the way you like". not sure if it's authentic, but sure it's delightful!

one way to do it, is to make everything from scratch, including the pizza base, excluding the oven. another way to do it (the way we chose) is to buy the pizza base, and top everything you want.

don't worry about "buying the pizza base isn't really cooking", you don't have to grow your own cow to cook a steak. you're still buying a piece of steak and heat it up. there's no much difference.


Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This sponge cake might look a bit weird in green, but it tastes really good. it's from a kinda of green leaf called Pandan which has a naturally sweet and very nice dessert flavor. and it's originally from Malay.

and of course the recipe involves pandan. it's really hard to find pandan leaves. so we use pandan essense. it looks like this:




Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(12) 人氣()


Looks very asian doesn't it? that's because it is. we've been introducing lots of authentic Chinese dishes. but this one, is JAPANESE. and it's great. because everything japanese is just GREAT.

that's what all chinese think .

It's not really a "recipe". it's more like an idea for your dinner tonight. enjoy it!



Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()


It's a very nice tropical dessert. you can either serve it chilled or warm.


sago and coconut cream. you need a mango and sugar too.


Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

it looks very professional doesn't it? it's actually not hard to make .

Here's the recipe.




Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

we make microwave recipe or easy recipe because we want to make it easy. don't worry about translating the chinese below. it's too clumsy.

微波爐食譜的重點係快而易, 所需材料器具隨手可得. 好多人食完飯想食甜品果陣, 冰箱來來去去都係得果幾款, 唔係雪糕就雪條, 要焗既野就動輒整成個鐘, 整得黎, 都夠鐘起身返工啦. 今次呢個微波爐杯裝朱古力蛋糕食譜, 只需5分鐘就有新鮮出爐甜品食, 殺傷力比拿你命3000有過之而無不及, 請大家彈遠的, 遠的, 再遠的.



Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

This time we jump straight to the point.

今次我地唔講廢話, 直入正題.



Cooky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

it's tasty and easy to make. i suggest you not to look at the nutrition info, esp the item "fat" .
其實真係好易整, 但勸大家千祈唔好睇個營養成份表, 尤其係個脂肪果欄 .


vanilla essence and eggs


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